Magick is thee reclaiming ov promised divine power. It is thee beauty ov self-love, thee cleansing ov dogma and thee holiness ov I. Bravery, peace and self-fulfillment are thee magickal virtues. I seek my own path, I am myself, I am thee only god. With knowledge passed down from generationals ov old, I seek thee light within myself and refine my everlasting flame. Ugly is beautiful, beautiful is ugly, ugly is ugly and beauty is beauty. I am contradiction, I am perfection and I am my own hell. Death is merely thee northern star after life, thee great chance and thee cleanser ov sin. They who serve inferior masters tremble where I serve myself. I kindle thee flame, and I will not let it die.
Magick is thee final most noble art, thee hidden path and thee great teacher. Art is simply thee transmutation ov soul into a vessel, and magick is thee art ov self. All art is magick and all magick is art. With my spirit I do create thee, and with ever art I practice another piece ov my infinite soul becomes in thee sigil. Now let me rest.
slit the dogs throat